Welcome to St Barnabas! If you would like to keep in contact with us and receive regular news, please go to the welcome page of this website.
This Sunday we continue our new series for Lent entitled “Patterns”. Lent is a time of 40 days leading up to Easter during which we make space for God through fasting and prayer, and by refocusing our lives on him. This series looks at patterns we can develop into Godly habits to help structure our Christian lives. We look this Sunday at the invitation to live by radical generosity.
Today’s Services
Patterns - Generosity
Luke 12.22-34
9am Holy Communion
Lead: Amédée Ruey
Preach: H Miller
Hymns: 388, 129, 56
10.30am Morning Worship
Lead: Andy Buckler
Preach: H Miller
5pm French Connect
Lead: Andy Buckler
Preach: Sylvie Ruey
7pm Create
Patterns - Living Generously (2 Cor 9:6-11)
Lead: Nicole Fleming
Preach: Andy Buckler
Each Sunday we aim to offer live translation of the 10.30 am service into Farsi.
To access this, please follow this link at the time of the service:
عزيزانى كه در كليسا حضور ندارند مى توانند از لينك زوم استفاده كنند و به زوم وصل شوند و ترجمه مراسم را گوش كنند با
سپاس كليساى سنت بارناباس
Meeting ID: 852 7171 7355
Passcode: 270176
Each morning at 8am – Morning Prayer on Zoom (link on Prayer page)
Tuesday 7am – Early Morning Prayer
Tuesday 10am - Barnies Softplay
Wednesday 10am - Women on Wednesday
Wednesday 7:30pm - Lent Course
Thursday 7pm - Nightshelter
Sunday 30th March
9am Holy Communion
10.30am Morning Worship
5pm French Connect
7pm Create
Our special Lent course continues this coming Wednesday at 7:30pm with the theme “Love in Creation”. All welcome for an evening of reflection, discussion and prayer. Please note that the Lent Course will be live-streamed on YouTube for those unable to join us in person.
Half-night of prayer and fasting
We are excited to announce the upcoming half night of prayer and fasting on Friday 28 March from 6pm to midnight! The evening will be led by different teams: for the first time a team from 9am service will be involved to lead one hour in a more liturgical style; a team from Create will lead another hour in a creative/artistic way; we will also have some hours led in a more 10:30am service style worship. We encourage the whole church, even those who can't make it, to spend time in prayer on this day. The full evening programme, leaders, prayer points and fasting suggestions will be posted on our website later this week. Please stay tuned.
This Sunday morning WildLife continues with a special welcome for families between 10:15am and 10:30am - join us in the church room for delicious treats, games, and a chance to connect before the service begins! After the opening songs of the 10:30am service, the children will head downstairs to the Howard Hall for a fun session of ‘WildLife goes Wild’ - everyone together for 15 minutes - before splitting into WildLife groups. Come and join the fun!
Lucia would like some help with additional characters for the next ballet performance that is being prepared with children from St Barnabas & St Philip’s school. For more details, please see Lucia or Gilbert.
This year we are completely revising the electoral roll, which is the official membership list of our church. For this we are asking everyone to apply again to be on the roll. Please sign up by filling in a form at the back of church or by following this link.
Invitations are available at the back of church from this Sunday for our Holy Week and Easter services. Please take them and use them to invite those around you to join us at Easter!
Join a series of group conversations exploring life and faith. Each session includes a short video on a big question of faith, followed by space to share your thoughts, or just listen. For students, happening every Tuesday at 6PM from 11th February to 22nd of April in the Chapel Room at Lee Abbey London, W8 6JJ. Free meal included. To register, send an email to:
At St Barnabas we want to grow together as disciples of Jesus. Table Groups help us do this! These small groups meet during the week, and are flexible to suit the different needs of our community. If you are not yet a part of a Table Group, the start of a New Year is a great time to join in! For more info, go to
This summer we are planning to organise a group from St Barnabas to go to New Wine, a Christian festival (30th July - 4th August) which draws thousands of Christians together each year for wonderful teaching, worship, children’s and youth ministry… If you would like to join us, or find out more more, please visit or contact the vicar.
At St Barnabas, we are a vibrant and diverse community, passionate about
WELCOMING all in Jesus’ name, GROWING TOGETHER as his disciples,
and STEPPING OUT in God’s mission to all nations.