Every weekday at 8am - a simple service of Morning Prayer via Zoom (30 min)
Passcode: 439460
Download the Daily Prayer App for smartphone: https://www.chpublishing.co.uk/apps/daily-prayer
Tuesdays 7am - 8.30am in the Main Vestry (access via the Church Garden).
A time of small group sharing and open prayer. Tea and coffee served. Welcome to all.
The FC Prayer times are:
Tuesday at 8:30am
Thursday at 8:30am
Friday at 20h00
The zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3565701267
Meet with a team of at least 2 people trained in prayer for a confidential one time appointment in STBK Church (lasting a maximum of 90 minutes).
To do so, please fill in the form by clicking here.
To develop your personal prayer life.
The Prayer Course - an eight week journey by Pete Greig
Unanswered Prayer Course - a five week exploration by Pete Greig
Be Still Course - a five week journey to a regular rhythm and deeper daily relationship with God
Online Prayer Course by the Archbishop of Canterbury
Resources you may find helpful.
Freedom In Christ - a one hour appointment with two members of the ministry team
Christian Healing Mission - an online prayer and healing ministry
Journey UK - a pastoral discipleship ministry
An AMAZING online resource that help helps make the biblical story accessible to everyone everywhere through free Bible videos, podcasts, blogs, classes, and educational Bible resources. A creative, informative and easy to understand approach that will ignite your passion for the Bible!
You Version
A wonderful free app that brings the Bible to your phone, tablet or computer. Translations of the Bible available in multiple languages, with reading plans and multiple resources.
The Bible in One Year
A daily reading plan by Nicky Gumbel (Alpha), now available in express and youth versions, and in multiple languages.
The Daily Prayer App
Church of England liturgy and readings for Morning and Evening prayer
Lectio 365 App
Encounter God through daily Bible reading and prayer, produced by the 24/7 prayer movement.
Lectio 365 for Families
An easy rhythm of daily Bible reading and prayer for the whole family produced by the 24/7 prayer movement.