A warm welcome to St Barnabas, especially if you are here for the first time.

Please introduce yourself after one of our services - we would love to tell you about our church and introduce you to other people.

You can find our latest news sheet here

Do also visit our Welcome Page for more information on church life.




Following the Covid Pandemic

Morning prayer 8 am

This short (30min) but refreshing moment is a wonderful start to the day! It brings structure but also allows us to be with other church members for informal prayer during the service.
Why not join us? https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87225256774 - Passcode: 439460

Pastoral Support

During this difficult period, we want to support each other through prayer and practical support. The first place to give and receive this is in a small group (hub) - please do join one if you are not yet connected! But if you would like to talk with a member of our team, do email info@stbk.org.uk and we will be happy to connect with you.