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St Barnabas and St Philip’s school is a thriving Church of England primary school in the heart of Kensington committed to providing a broad and balanced education within a secure Christian environment.

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As a church school, the Christian ethos is very important and our church (along with St Philip’s) plays a major part in this. School services are held in each church throughout the year, members of our team take regular collective worship, and the church is represented on the board of governors by the Vicar and PCC representatives.

Please note that regular members of St Barnabas church have priority access to places at the school.

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Prospective Parents’ meetings

The school invites you to attend one of the prospective parent meetings that we organise regularly.

This is a time for you to meet the Chair of Governors, Headteacher and PSFA Chair, to have a tour of the school in action and find out more about the school.

Please email the school at for more information and to book a place.

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For more information about the school, please visit the school website: