Join us at the table…
Have a look at our existing Table Groups. The list will be updated as new groups start!
Email to sign up for one of the groups
With Melody
Thursday Evenings
With Mike and Sue Tongay
Wednesday Evenings
With Leah and Magda
Thursday Evenings Fortnightly
With Carolyn and Gillie
Wednesday Mornings Fortnightly
On Zoom
Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:30-9am
Fridays 8:15-8:45am
With Audrey and Jill
Tuesday Evenings Fortnightly
With Mike and Shuna
Currently fully subscribed
With Uta & Sylvie
On Zoom
Open to all! Link HERE
On Zoom or In Person
Always open for new members!
With H and Carol
Currently fully subscribed
With Mariane
Sunday Afternoon Fortnightly
With Andrew and Priscilla
Currently fully subscribed
With Nick and David
Tuesday Mornings