The ministry of Jesus through his people today
January - February 2025


One way of describing the church is to call it a body. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul uses this image to talk about our unity - together we are one body, our diversity - the one body has many parts, which put together bring us to maturity - the body functions as each part does its work in love. (See Ephesians 4:1-16 for the full picture!)

It’s a great image. But it’s even more amazing when we realise that we are not talking about just any body. Together we are the Body of Christ! Together we embody Jesus in the world. We are his hands and feet. Together we continue his ministry and mission through his Spirit which is given to us. He wants us to embody his love in the world.

To enable this to happen, each of us has been given gifts from the Spirit. These take many forms, some of them visible and public, others hidden and discrete. But all given for the good of the whole, that the body may grow in love.

There are probably as many gifts as there are people of God! In this sermon series, we are drawing inspiration from the list of five ministries given in Ephesians: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. (Eph 4:11). Each of these describe an aspect of Jesus’ own ministry that he gives to his church today so that together we can embody his love in the world .

As we journey through this series, alongside the Sunday teaching, we encourage table groups to use the material provided as a starting point for discussion and prayer!

THE BODY OF CHRIST - 19th January 2025

Preach: Andy Buckler
Passage: Ephesians 4:1-16

APOSTLES - 26th January 2025

Preach: Andy Buckler
Passage: Acts 26:1-18

TAKING IT FURTHER - for table groups

Dates for Apostles group: 5/02, 19/02, 4/03 at 8pm
To join the zoom call, click here

PROPHETS - 2nd February 2025

Preach: Andy Buckler
Passage: Acts 2:14-24

TAKING IT FURTHER - for table groups

Dates for Prophets group: 11/02, 25/02, 11/03 at 8pm
To join the zoom call, click here

PASTORS - 9th February 2025

Preach: Andy Buckler
Passage: Acts 11:19-30

TAKING IT FURTHER - for table groups

Dates for Pastors group: 27/02, 6/03, 19/03 at 8pm
To join the zoom call, click here

EVANGELISTS - 16th February 2025

Preach: Andy Buckler
Passage: Acts 8:26-40

TAKING IT FURTHER - for table groups

Dates for Evangelists group: 12/03, 26/03 at 8pm
To join the zoom call, click here

TEACHERS - 23rd February 2025

Preach: Andy Buckler
Passage: Acts 18:23-28

TAKING IT FURTHER - for table groups

Dates for Teachers group: tbc
To join the zoom call, click here


Preach: Andy Buckler

Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:12-20

TAKING IT FURTHER - for table groups